Friday, March 16, 2012

The change...

The change
"It is time to chane life...
It is time change myself ...
It is time to believe in me...
It is time to change...
and change for good..." :)
In the uncertainty of life,everything seems perfect,complete and beautiful from far away.Life as we see from someone else's eyes alwayslooks without any absurdity and absolutely flawless.Relationships too,whether they are yours or someone else's always seem amazing from a distance.However,looking at it more closely invariably presents adifferent story.
We always think others have a better life than ours.We never usually stop to think how beautiful our life is just because we are actually ALIVE!
It is a blessing to wake up alive each day.Breathe in a bit of gratitude and exhale the negativities which seem to pollute your beautiful life...!
I know it is always easier to preach,give advices and talk about all these philosophical things.
I myself could not really practise what I should have that.We even make certain impractical demands which we might later realize were not rightto make!
"Change" is a word which makes me think about all the "not-so-perfect"things around me including ME!
Nothing is perfect in this world.I won't talk about any "larger than life" changes the world around me needs.The prevailing education policies,political system of nepal as a democracy,the never ending issuesof corruption,poverty,illiteracy,population explosion,terrorism,unemployment and lot of other "inside" issues like which have conveniently been overlooked in our society and ever increasing crimes like rape,thefts and murders.
I strongly believe the
"Be the change you want to see in the world".
Charity certainly begins at home.In the same way,CHANGE is something which at first "we" need to have in "our life".
How can we expect to change the world around us when we ourselves are not prepared to change?If you yourself are hesitant to change,you can naturally not expect anyone else to do the same.
I am not perfect,No one is....But I can surely try to be.Even you can...In fact,we all can.I don't mean we all can be perfect merely by just making some changes in life.We are all human and mistakes are what make us"HUMAN".
After all, to err is human.I don't think I or anyone else would be able to completely surpass that limitation.However,we can put in our earnest efforts in doing the same.If we expect someone to fulfill our expectations,we also need to put in some efforts to fulfill their expectations.
I'll take my own self as an instance. I realized that I have to change.I have to change my perception about it.Emotional agitation had taken over me.I was broken and immensely vulnerable.Not only because o but there were certain other things too which were disturbing me at that time.Those tough times made me realize the need to change the way I look at things and people,the way I see my friends and that special one-the only I truly loved in all these years. and introspection and trust me,it helped me a lot to gain the lost peace of my mind and to overcomeall the instability and restlessness within me.
It is surely a positive change in me.It doesn't matter anymore even if I cannot have that special person in my life.I have a lot more than that.I have my PEACE OF MIND which matters more than anything else.My life is not COMPLETELY perfect but it is surely peaceful and more than that I am happy with its imperfections and the little things which make me content with what I am.
Changing one's self is not just reading this and arguing over it or discussing it theoretically.It takes time and more importantly it takes a combination of determination,conviction,self-observation and the will tochange.Take for example's campaign for change.Just supporting " change" by wearing a white-colored cap with the words "I am change" won't make any instant changes in our country or make everyone chane".The real challenge in today's world is being true to YOUR OWN SELF and conscientious when no one is watching you.Everyone can be true to show off to the world and pretend to be HONEST,TRUTHFUL and allthose adjectives which are sometimes mere words and just a farce to make yourself look "FAIR" and "RESPECTABLE"..Instead of having a narrow-minded self-righteous approach in life,it is more commendable to leave aside the hypocrisy and have the courage to say "Yes,I made a mistake.I was wrong.I'm sorry"....
I guess if every individual makes sincere efforts to change HIMSELF for good and have certain principles,morals and ethics in life,the world would be a better and more enviable place to live in.At the first thought,even this might seem impossible but believe me it really worksand it helps you be a better human being.
Imagine if everyone makes genuine attempts to be a better human being,how livable the world would be and how awesome the people around us would be!!!.

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