Thursday, April 19, 2012

The journey of hundred year

The course we charter for ourselves should be that of well-being. Follow ways which lead to peace. Tread paths which help eliminate pain, suffering, anguish and conflict. Enlighten your own life with the virtues of your parents. Establish an aim for yourself; determine where you have to go and whatwould be your destination.
Suppose you set out to travel without knowing your destination. You askthe ticket vendor at the railway station for any ticket! Naturally, he would think you were unstable. As passengers in the journey of life, we need to identify our destination.
Consider the state of your body which is being used as a vehicle. Does it have the requisite fuel? See if any improvements or repairs are necessary since the journey could extend to a hundred years. The journey is rough and the body is a sure accompaniment. If you ignore your body, surely there will be problems. So follow natural rules.
Acharya Charaka was standing in a garden with his disciple Agnivesha. A couple of gazelles ran past, and a young man running past as well. And a younger person was walking infirmly, holding a stick. Agnivesha asked his guru: “How come, on one side there were gazelles jumping and running about, peacocks are flying around, hares are bouncing, but this man is walking infirm?”
Acharya Charaka told Agnivesha that humans are most intelligent and wise; yet they are careless and ignorant. Most people don’t exercise; they flout natural rules and suffer. Animals and the birds observe naturallaws; they remain active and healthy.
Cats and dogs, when rising from their resting place do one or two simpleexercises. The dog would stretch its legs and move its body back and forth. Even after doing this if it still feels lazy, then it will move with a jerk its head and ears and neck until it feels refreshed and active again. Then only it will start running around. This is natural knowledge given byGod.
When the mother holds her baby in her lap, the child starts paddling his feet. Growing up, the child rides a bicycle. But as an adult, he acquires worldly comforts; he gets used to chairs and beds. He likes to get everything done for him by his helpers.
However, worldly comforts could lead to pain and suffering, conflict and torment. But the one who has learnt to be aware, he is already in good stead. No one can help a lazy person realise his destiny.
You create your destiny. Two brothers went to Bhrigu Maharaj to know about their future. The outstanding astrologer told them that after ten years one of them would become a king and the other would be hanged.Both were naturally worried. The brother who was to hang thought thatwhatever happens to him, his brother would somehow become a king. And the brother who was to be king wished that his sibling should not be hanged. After ten years, they switched roles – the one who was to behanged was made a king. Both went to see Bhrigu Maharaj who laughedand said that they switched destinies by their deeds.
The one who was to become king thought he would anyhow become a king and therefore started acting indiscriminately. The other, who thought he would be hanged, filled his life with good actions. They literally changed their destinies. It is therefore up to you what you wish to make of your destiny.

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