Saturday, March 17, 2012

I think so..

Durga neupaneMy biggest issue with our modern day society is it's individualistic views.It serves its purpose and has many strengths and weakness and I would like to see a future where we combine individualistic and collectivist views. Individual success and motivation are important values to attain but it shouldn't always be at the cost of others
I know this isn't the "largest" problem facing our society, but most of the ones I might have otherwise named have already been covered. One of the things that I think is a real problem in this world is the sense of importance and entitlement that FAR too many people (young and old, rich and poor) have.
So many people actually believe that they are entitled to nearly everything you can think of... money, fame, physical objects, respect, trust - the list goes on and on. Let me tell you something little darlings - you're entitled to nothing. Try earning your way. Attempt to work for what it is you want. Stop feeling as though you are better than everything and everyone. Treat others as though they are on the same level as you because they ARE - we are all human. Period.

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