Monday, March 12, 2012

Probability of two governments:

CPN-UML senior leader and former Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal has hinted for the need of two governments for the completion of the peace process and constitution drafting.
“There can be two governments,” Nepal said speaking at a programme in Reporters Club on Monday. “There is the probability that one government will conclude peace process and the other one will draft theconstitution,” he added. He, however, clarified that changing the government was not the priority of the party and it would not demand the resignation of Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai.
Nepal said the tenure of Bhattarai-led government could extend if it completes some ‘revolutionary’ works during its tenure. “Nothing is impossible in politics,” Nepal said. “The tenure of his government will extend if he does something significant in the peace process.”
He also blamed PM Bhattarai of fearing to forward the issues of army integration despite his party Chairman Puspa Kamal Dahal mustering some courage for the same. “During the three-party talks, Dahal had urged PM Bhattarai to forward the army integration process but he did not reply anything on that,” Nepal said. “If I was the prime minister I would have done it without any delay,” Nepal added.
Also on the occasion, Nepal blamed the prime minister of lacking courage to forward the sticky issues even with his party Chairman Dahal and major oppositions—Nepali Congress and UML—playing the supportive role for the same.

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