Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fun riddles'question

10 Fun riddles:
1.If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become?
2.Sally is traveling by ship from south of the equator to the north. She has a nice little cabin with a bathroom, but no window. Sally has no compass nor other instruments. Just thegeneral luggage one brings on board a long cruise. Yet, without leaving her room or talking with anyone, Sally will beable to tell when the ship has crossed the equator. How?
3.How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?
4.In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron. It can only attack when pulled back. What is it?
5.I start with the letter e,\n I end with the letter e.\n I containonly one letter,\n Yet I am not the letter e!\n What am I?
6.One Day Kerry celebrated her birthday. Two days later her older twin brother, Terry, celebrated his birthday. How could this be?
7.I have keys that open no locks, I have space, but there is no room, You can enter, but you can't go in. What am I?
8.A certain large animal lives happily and thrives here on Earth. One day, every single one of these critters is wiped out by a mysterious disease which affects only this particular animal. There are none left anywhere on earth -- they are all gone. About a year or so later, they begin to reappear on Earthagain. How can this be?
9.I don't have eyes, But once I did see. Once I had thoughts, But now I'm white and empty. What am I?
10.Which would see most clearly in total darkness? A bat, a tiger, or an owl.
1. Wet, duh!
2.Sally can fill the sink and watch it drain. When the water reverses direction when going down the drain, she will know they have crossed the equator.
3.Only once. After that, you will besubtracting 5 from 20, then5 from 15, etc.
4.A bullet.
5.An envelope with one letter in it ready to mail
6.At the time she went into labor, the mother of the twins was travelling by boat. The older twin, Terry, was born first, early on March 1st. The boat then crossed the International Date line and Kerry, the younger twin, was born on February the 28th. In a leap year the younger twin celebrates her birthday two days before her older brother.
7.A computer keyboard, or typewriter.
8.The animal is the Mule. Since all Mules are born sterile, you can only get a Mule by crossing a donkey with a horse. That is how the species is able to repopulate itself.
9.I am a Skull.
10.None. In total darkness it is impossible to see anything..

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