Thursday, May 10, 2012

Just remove those tinted glasses

We don't often see it clearly, but the fact is that for everything, there is a subject and object. Everything we perceive in existence is a combination of subject and object. If one changes, so does the other. And since each of us, as subject or object, is different and unique, we perceive the same world differently. It is almost as if we are all carrying a bubble around us. What we see is what the bubble allows us to see. The bubble may be transparent, tinted, dirty, distorted or damaged; depending on the properties of the bubble, we 'see' reality. It is as if each of us is wearing glasses which function differently. And we see the world depending on what sort of glasses we are wearing currently.

Truth or reality is what exists; but due to our bubbles or tinted spectacles, we are almost never able to see the truth, as it exists. Invariably, we tend to add our feelings, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, interpretations and reactions to this reality. If reality is the actual dish that is being cooked, our perceptions become the spice and salt. If the dish forms the major portion and spice and salt form a minor one, the serving would be palatable. But if our additives are more than the nature of the actual dish, the food would taste terrible, and would be unfit for consumption. This is what is happening with most of us; we tend to add too much of our own perceptions or interpretations to every event that occurs in our lives. Perhaps that's why we have more unhappiness and sorrow, since we read too much into reality.

The bubble or spectacles through which we see the world is our mind and ego. Everything we experience is filtered through the mind. Every sight, sound, sensation, emotions, and every word that we encounter is analysed by the mind. And no one mind is like another. Hence, my interpretation of any event or person is totally different from yours or anyone else's. This is also the basis of every conflict that arises in the world, for it is rare for two persons to see things in exactly the same manner. The more still and peaceful the mind, the less judgmental we are, and the greater the chance of us coming close to reality. The degree of conflict that we have with others will be directly proportional to the amount of thoughts that our mind generates about any situation.

In order to achieve joy, harmony and happiness, we try and change things, events and circumstances. We want to achieve happiness without changing anything about ourselves. We rave and rant, manipulate, beg, borrow and steal, struggle, work hard, put pressure on others, confront, accuse, make others feel guilty - we basically try and do whatever we can, to bring about harmony. Sometimes we succeed and at other times we don't.

While we are trying to change situations to suit ourselves, we often forget that everyone else is also doing the same. The intelligent aim, however, would be to get a favourable outcome not by trying to change what is outside us and over which we have limited control, but to change what lies inside us, something over which we can exert total control. Any situation can change provided we are ready to change. By changing our behaviour, and by taking the path of acceptance and surrender, in one instant, we can convert conflict into compromise and cooperation, and misery into happiness.

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